Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winona Ryder Apologizes to Natalie Portman

Winona Ryder Apologizes to Natalie Portman
Winona Ryder Apologizes to Natalie Portman for Her 'Horrible' Lines

presented with a small gift after they finished filming "" to apologize for the "horrible" lines she had to deliver as her on-screen rival. Ryder plays a prima ballerina who is replaced by Portman's younger dancer character in a production of Swan Lake in the dark drama - and insists she felt guilty for making so many cruel jibes.

She tells Britain's Total Film magazine, "I wrote (to) Natalie and I got her something when I had finished filming, saying, 'I'm so sorry I had to say all those horrible things.' " But Ryder admits the movie's script resonated with her - since she is now no longer part of Hollywood's crop of young stars.

She adds, "Doing the character was really cool in a way because I'm a bit older and the whole idea (is) there's these young new actresses coming up. I'm sort of 'old school'! I like the idea of being replaced and being older, especially now I've just turned 39."

"When I started acting, I wanted to be like (Rosemary's Baby star) Ruth Gordon, because I was always the kid and always wanted to be older. So it's interesting for me to be older than people now."


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