Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kelly Osbourne Has Fired Back at Reports

Kelly Osbourne Has Fired Back at Reports
Kelly Osbourne

has fired back at reports suggesting her mum doesn't approve of her new friendship with , insisting nothing could be further from the truth. The reality TV star and the teen pop icon have become firm friends of late and tabloid reports have suggested was keen to break them up.

But Kelly insists her mum actually approves of the blossoming friendship, and she has taken to to defend her pal. Osbourne writes, "Just read in the rags that apparently my mum thinks Miley is a bad influence on me it could not be father (sic) from the truth!"

"Actually it's the other way around. Miley has us all on a health kick. Gym/early nights There (sic) really scraping the barrel on that one! This really makes me mad. Miley is one of the most hard working respectful women I have ever worked with I am learning a lot from her! Miley and I have become really close. I'm sick of all the haters judging her she made one mistake and trust me she has learned her lesson!"

The mistake Osbourne refers to surrounds recently published photos of a smiling Cyrus smoking from a bong.


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