Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kim Cattrall Blames The Failed Marriages Caused by Bad Sex

Kim Cattrall Blames The Failed Marriages Caused by Bad Sex
Kim Cattrall

knows the importance of a satisfying love life - she blames bad sex for the breakdown of two of her marriages. The "Sex and the City" star has wed three times - she was married to Larry Davis for two years in the late 1970s, to Andre J. Lyson from 1982 to 1989, and a six-year union with Mark Levinson ended in 2004.

And she is adamant she knows why her relationships with Davis and Lyson failed - she was not compatible with them in bed. Cattrall tells Britain's The Sun, "I would constantly make excuses for bad sexual experiences. Poor sex was a factor in the first two of three marriages breaking up."

"It is one thing to have patience and build up a good sexual relationship, through love. But, with some men - I would say, in my experience, the majority of men - it is just never going to happen. I wish I had not made an orgasm my only goal. It is all about all-round sexual fulfillment."

Cattrall has also realized where she went wrong when choosing a man - because good-looking hunks are not always the best lovers. She adds, "I wish I had realized that good looks mean nothing when it comes to sex. Everyone expects great-looking guys and women to be having great sex. That's not true."

"I always had a sexy image, on camera, but I was not having a fabulous sex life. You cannot be intimate with an image. I remember going to bed with a real good-looking ladies' man, in the hope that he would teach me what I had been missing. He didn't."


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